Figure 2. Biomass burning emissions inventory used by CATT-BRAMS model.
Figure 3. Operational model grids
Figure 4. Time series with comparison between near surface CO (ppb, top) and PM2.5 (g m-3, bottom) observed (black) and model results (red). The measurements were daily averaged and centered at 1200 Z. The error bars are the standard deviations of the mean values. The model results are presented as instantaneous values at 1200 UTC.
Figure 5. Comparison between CO (ppb) observed during sixteen flights of the LBA-SMOCC/RaCCI field campaign (black solid line represents the mean while the grey zone shows the standard deviation range) and model results (blue).
Figure 6. Comparison between the mean CO (ppb) observed during sixteen flights of the LBA-SMOCC/RaCCI field campaign (black solid line represents the mean while the grey zone shows the standard deviation range) and the mean of model results (blue).
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Figure 9. Model and MODIS AOT (550 nm) comparison.
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